
Students enrolled in Adult classes have the opportunity to participate in Pit Fire, Luster workshops and more. These workshops are ONLY available to persons enrolled in Terra Linda ceramic classes.


Check out our CLASSES TAB for information on our Holiday Workshops


Pit firings  take place on the beach in the spring and fall. Detail on procedures, materials needed and demonstrations are provided before and during the workshops. 

With the intense drought we experienced until recently, pit fires were not scheduled,  for obvious environmental safety reasons. I am hopeful to schedule pit fires soon again now that the rains have arrived.

Time/Day/Location for 2024 are announced in class and studio calendar.

Luster & Decals

Luster and decal firings take place at the studio once a month on a Saturday.
Gold, Silver/Platinum and Mother of Pearl lusters can be fired as well as overglaze decals. Demonstrations for enrolled TLCA students are available the day of the firing.

 Time/Day for 2024 are announced in class and  the studio calendar.

Plaster Molds

Plaster molds can be handy for a variety of reasons. This new series of plaster mold making is now offered. Time/Day for Fall of 2024 are announced class and studio calendar.


2024/2025Sculpture workshops, dates TBA.